Yummy food? New friends? Sweet smiles and golden sunshine?
They are the outcomes of your happiness.
Because the happiness does come from your heart.
When your heart is happy
Every single piece seems to be shining
When your heart is happy
Bad things can be reversed to good things
When your heart is happy
Any problem is only a piece of cake
Keep your happiness?
Find the origin of your happiness and hold it.
Enjoy it whenever you want.
Get a day off for your tired heart...
Take in fresh air for your tired heart...
Your happiness will end soon.
Because the origin of it is drying
Are you happy today?
Or are you still searching it?
[P.S Today i'm very happy. Cos i ask a leave for my heart...kick all tricky stuff away...just enjoy life~~]
[Happy, Sha La La LA,
It's so nice to be happy,
Sha La La La...]
Shu Shu, have you ever heard of this song?
After reading this entry, those lyrics just pop ou in my mind!
You know what, our entries today seem like related!
shu shu did you cut us?
where am i
dear, mate... I think happniess is contentment, do you think so?? I think this word is very rationality. I think so. I feel content, so I am happy, hope you are always happy!!!
To Arya:
hmm...seems that i'v ever heard of that song..haha...wutever..we had a really happy day...didn't we?
To Jin:
mom!!!...how dare you said so!
hehehe ...nope...i didn't cut u guys...i just wanna show the scenery...
To Stephanie:
actually,different ppl have different definitions of thier own happiness.it doesn't matter. Wut counts is whether u r truely happy or not...
thanks for ur wishes lah~~~!!
the same to you guys all!!!
haha... i hv learn a new definition of happiness
not only come from eating nice food, family and friends
maybe come from how we see the world~~~ worth to think about it
lol...winnie,really glad to hear that!
yah..sometimes,our bad mood can turn to be good mood as long as we change the way of thinking
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