Sunday, November 4, 2007

Project Making III-Brainstorming

Ideas can be improved through discussion

The latest group meeting ended 2 hours ago. It was nice, tough and helpful. We went through two different design of our project's video from Ardi and Faye. But when we actually deeply discussed it...problems came out...from the availability to the last..we hadn't reached agreement on one idea...sign...However, it was really valuable to see those ideas and to see every group memeber trying their best. Now i'm gonna explain Ardi and Faye's ideas about video.

Characters: A-died in car accident
B,C,D-waiting for organs to survive
Location: Park

first half: A walks on the road, passes B, who needs a heart to live on; passes C, who needs a lung to live on; passes D, who needs a liver to survive- They all fade out of the screen-representing they all pass away.

Second half: A walks on the road, meeting B, hug B, they smile together, so with C and D. In the end, A happily fades out of the screen with B,C,D watching.

The end: White letters on black screen: Die for nothing or die for something?
You can choose one
Be an organ donor
Be a life saver.

This is the idea of Ardi’s video for organ donation campaign. He wanna say to target audience that you can make decisions between saving lives or let them go. He sets up the character who’s already dead and other three who are waiting for organs to live on and makes two different endings which four ppl die together and three ppl survive because of the dead’s organs. He wanna show the audience how important organ donation is. We can help save several lives through losing one dead life, why not doing it? It makes our lives more worthy, isn’t it?

For me, this is really a meaningful idea. But I think it blurs the differences between living donors and dead donors, and his story makes us feel encourage people to die to save lives…@_@

Characters: Girl and Boy
Location: Street, Church, Hospital, Running Track, University Campus.
Scene One: Street: girl and boy pass each other

Scene Two: Church: The girl prays and suddenly passes out
Scene Three: Hospital: Parents of the girl in coma are praying beside the sickbed.
Scene Four: Running track- the boy, in prepare for running, sets out when gun shooting. He is sweating while running.
Scene Five: Running track-the girl is waiting at the end of raceway.
Scene Six: University campus-the boy is filling up an organ donor registering form.
Scene Seven: Running track-the boy passes his baton to the girl. She starts running.
End: Boy and girl are happily chatting with each other on the racetrack.

Basically, Faye’s initial idea about RELAY RACE is fantastic! All of us agree with this point which totally express the key of organ donation-pass our lives on to others. However, when her script came out to us, things changed a bit. Several down points were found out of her video:
l Whole video needs four locations which cost time and money.
l The connection between relay race and girl’s story is a bit choppy. As an audience, it might be confused.
l (Personal viewpoint) The involvement of church may be not so match cos it brings some religious feelings.

Actually, our group failed to reach an agreement on idea of video. We decided to ask Toula for help the next day.

Even though we didn’t make the idea, it was really worthy to have this discussion which improved our cooperation and communication.

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